Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Hello, December!

Greetings! Happy December! It is hard to believe that the final month of 2019 is here. This month is always one of my favorites. I love celebrating all of the holidays with the children. 

We were greeted in our classroom today by our classroom elf. His name is Jingles. Each day he will report to Santa on how everyone did and whether or not everyone was a good listener. I'll have to remember to post pictures of Jingles each week too. 

We began our day by going to Adoration. We spent some quiet time in prayer asking God to help those who are sick and those who are in need of special prayers. 

After Adoration, we stopped at the Secret Santa shop. We were able to preview the items and make a list of the things we would like to buy tomorrow. If you wish for your child to purchase gifts, please return their shopping list along with money to school tomorrow. 

We picked up in Language Arts were we left off last week. We reviewed the oral vocabulary words we learned last week before learning three new words (assist, grasped, and spied). After that we worked on making predictions as we read a folktale about a giant turnip. Following that we used our letter tiles to spell and read long i words. Then we learned how to make "magic e" words plural by adding an s. Finally, we practiced using our sight words in sentences. 

This afternoon we reread Time to Plant and sequenced the events in the story. We also sequenced the events in our decodable reader after reading it. Finally, we practiced using present tense verbs in sentences. 

In Penmanship this week we will be practicing writing G and g. 

In Math class today we focused on place value. The students used place value blocks to show the numbers to 20. They found this to be very easy! 

Have a great night! 

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