Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Busy Readers!

 Greetings! Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone was able to dodge the rain drops today! 

For Religion class today, we went over to church to talk about how we go to church. We practiced standing on the pink carpet and not the kneelers. We also talked about how we kneel and pray. We are very excited about going to Mass on Friday. 

Language Arts was very busy today. We practiced finishing sentences using our oral vocabulary words. We then used sound boxes to segment words into sounds. Next we practiced reading short a words and words with the inflectional ending -s. After that, we pulled up our decodable reader books on our tablets to read a story. Following that we reviewed our sight words. With all that practice down, we put our skills to work as we read and discussed Nat and Sam. After reading the stories we reviewed the key details by completing pages in our close reading companions. Finally, we practiced writing sentences correctly remembering the capital letters and periods. 

In Math class today we reviewed the numbers to 10. We practiced counting, identifying more and less in a set, and finishing patterns. Tomorrow we will take our chapter test. 

In Spanish today we learned the numbers 6-10. We again created a foldable to help us. We are very good at counting to 10. 

We ended our day with Computers. Today we practiced our Reading and Math skills as we used ABC Mouse. 

Tomorrow is a dress down day from Fr. Brian. The students may wear jeans or shorts to school! 

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