Thursday, September 3, 2020

Short A Fun!

Greetings on this rainy day. Even though rainy days can get dreary, it was nice to see and hear the rain today. We are in much need of rain. 

In Religion class today we talked about what it means to be a peacekeeper. I showed the students two apples. We talked about their similarities. We then 'insulted' the one apple by calling it names. Next, we complimented the other apple. I then cut the apples in half. The 'insulted' apple was mushy and brown in the inside; the complimented apple was fresh and crisp. We then talked about how our words can hurt others even if we don't see it. We talked about using kind, nice, and polite words and being peacekeepers. We ended by praying our Peacekeeper Promise. 

In Language Arts class, we practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We then used our whiteboards to spell and read short a words and words with inflected ending -s. After that we partner read a story from our decodable reader booklets and our story from yesterday. After that we read a nonfiction piece about school rules and completed pages in our close reading companion. 

In between all the learning in Language Arts, we stopped for a fun project. We listed as many short a words as we could on the board. The students then wrote them on apples. We glued the apples on a tree to create a short a apple tree. Here are two of our trees: 

In Math class today we took our chapter test on the numbers 1-10. I was very pleased at how well they did at following directions. We will begin learning about number bonds tomorrow. 

Because we could not go to Gym outside, we had Gym in our classroom. We used the website gonoodle to dance and workout to various videos. They had a blast!

Finally, we ended our day with Social Studies. Today we talked about how we can be classroom helpers. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our first Spelling test of the year! Have a good night! 

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