Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Hello, December!

 Greetings! Happy December! I hope everyone had a good day and enjoyed (maybe) the snow. We had an awesome first day of virtual learning. I am so excited about all that we were able to do today! 

In Religion class we talked about how the risen Jesus surprised his followers. We loved hearing how Peter got so excited that he jumped off the boat to swim to shore to see Jesus. 

In Language Arts class we reviewed our oral vocabulary words we learned last week and learned three new words (assist, grasped, and spied). We then worked on making predictions as we read a fable. Following that we used our letter tiles to spell and read long i words. Finally, we learned how to read plurals with magic e words. 

In Math class today we learned about place value. We used our base ten blocks to show a number based on its number of tens and ones. I think the students did very well with this. 

Finally, in Science class, we talked about how we can group objects based on different properties. We then conducted a Science experiment to see whether certain objects would sink or float. The students really enjoyed this. 

Thanks for a great day! See you tomorrow! 

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