Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas! Today was a great day of celebrating in first grade. After a few tech glitches on my end, we were able to get started and have fun.

In Religion today we watched a video on the first Christmas. The video reminded us what Christmas is truly about. 

Then, we played our games. Thank you for helping with our Santa's surprise game. The students had really good clues; it was hard guessing what was in each bag. 

After that we went on a scavenger hunt. The students were told what to find and then went and found it. I told them not to run or make a mess. I am hoping that they listened. I could tell that they really enjoyed it. 

Next, we did a fun drawing project. We put the paper plate on our head and attempted to draw a Christmas tree without looking. We had many laughs. 

Finally, we played a Christmas version of Head Bands. One at a time, the students closed their eyes. I showed the others a card. They then had to give clues to what was on the card. 

As you can tell, we had a blast today. We ended by reading the book that Jingles brought to us. It will become part of our classroom library. 

May you and your family have a blessed and Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. I'll see you in 2021! 

~Miss Chalich 

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