Thursday, January 28, 2021

Cutting and Gluing Kind of Day!

 Greetings on this chilly evening. It took awhile but that winter chill is here. I hope everyone is staying warm tonight.

In Religion class today we talked about ways we celebrate God's love. We learned that the words Alleluia and Amen are words we sing and pray joyfully when we worship God. We also talked about how we worship God with our parish. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We also practiced reading long e words and words with prefixes. Following that we reviewed our sight words and vocabulary words. Next, we partner read a story in our decodable reader before reading our story from our literature anthology. Today we read Animal Teams. After reading the story, we wrote its main idea and key details we learned. 

For our Penguin fun today, we reviewed everything we have learned this far by creating a penguin book. They turned out adorable. I hope you are enjoying them tonight. 

In Math class today, we learned how to use a start line to compare the lengths of objects. We placed pictures against the line and then looked at them to see which was the shortest and which was the longest. 

For Gym class, we danced and worked out using Go Noodle. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we identified the continent, country, and state where we live by creating a flip book. 

Have a great night! 

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