Thursday, January 7, 2021

Painting on a Thursday!

 Greetings and Happy Thursday! I don't know about you but today went really fast. We had lots of happenings in first grade.

In Religion class we learned that bishops lead and care for the church. We also talked about how Bishop Mark leads our diocese. 

Language Arts was filled with lots of learning today. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary. We then used our whiteboards to spell and read long vowel words and to practice segmenting CVCe words into syllables. Next we reviewed our sight words by reading our word wall via a slideshow. Next, we partner read our story from yesterday and then read a story about how transportation has changed over time. Following that we completed pages in our close reading companion. Finally, we practiced using is and are in sentences. 

In Math class today, we reviewed adding to 20. I am really impressed at how well the students picked this up during our virtual learning. We also spent time learning the doubles facts. 

Because of our special Music class yesterday, we did not have Spanish, so we had it today. We practiced the numbers to 20 by writing them in Spanish. 

For Gym class today, we worked out using our GoNoodle videos. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today, we reviewed the seasons of the year. We talked about what the trees look like in each season and used paint and Q-tips to show what the trees look like. We had lots of fun doing this! 

Have a great night!

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