Saturday, October 30, 2021

Happy Halloween!

 Greetings! Happy Halloween! The students had a spooktacular day in first grade!

We began our day with Mass. Today, Fr. Brian reminded us to keep holy the Sabbath day by attending Mass with our families. He would love to see the church full at all of the Masses!

After our Spelling test, it was time to celebrate Halloween! The students quickly changed into their costumes; they were ready to party! We began by making a spider web out of pipe cleaners and yarn. The students then placed spider rings on the web. They then lifted the web to see how many spiders fell through. 

Next, we played several minute-to-win-it games. First up was vampire teeth; the students put vampire teeth in their mouth and had to see how many marshmallows they could get in a cup. Next up was Pumpkins on a Gate; the students tried to place as many candy pumpkins as they could on a popsicle stick. Many discovered it was harder the more you put on. Following that we played witch pitch where the students tossed candy corn into a witch's cauldron. Finally, we played ghost stack. The students used cups to build a tower. Before we knew it is was time for lunch. 

Here are some pictures from the games: 

This afternoon we watched Hotel Transylvania and enjoyed a snack from Fr. Brian. 

I hope everyone has a great and safe weekend! Enjoy trick-or-treating! 

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