Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Spooktacular Pumpkins!

 Greetings! Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is doing well. 

In Religion class today we talked about how Adam and Eve were good stewards of God's creation, meaning that they took care of everything. We then talked about things we can do to take care of God's creation. We ended class by praying the third decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, segmented words into sounds, read short u words and contractions, and practiced our sight words. To help build our fluency and comprehension skills we partner read a story from our decodable readers. We also read The Pigs, The Wolf, and The Mud, a story the children loved. Following reading that story we completed pages in our close reading companion that focused on characters, setting, and events. 

This afternoon we practiced identifying plural and singular nouns. We also practiced writing contractions. 

In Math class, we practiced solving subtraction problems. The students were encouraged to pick which strategy they liked best and use it to solve problems. 

Our pumpkin fun today centered around the book Spookly, the Square Pumpkin. After reading the story we talked about what made Spookly special and what makes us special. The students then designed their own pumpkins and wrote about what makes their pumpkin special. They turned out awesome! Here are pictures. 

And here are pictures from last Friday's ghost writing and Frankenstein art. 

Have a great night!

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