Friday, September 2, 2022

Happy September!

 Greetings! Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a nice day to end the week. 

At Mass this morning, Fr. Brian reminded us to always be in the present and not worry about the past or future. 

We continued with our week of learning in Language Arts. Today, we reviewed short a by matching words to pictures. We also worked on our fluency as we read Jack Can. Finally, we learned what a sentence is and practiced identifying sentences. 

In Math class, we learned about number patterns. We used our linking cubes to show various number patterns. 

In Science class we talked about the different coverings animals have. We then sorted pictures of animals based on their coverings. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. Today we made a pencil person. They turned out cute. I will post pictures next week once everything has dried. 

Have a wonderful three day weekend! See you on Tuesday! 

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