Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Bubble Day Fun!

 Greetings! Happy Wednesday! Today was another exciting day in first grade!

We began our day with our annual Awards Program where we recognize the students for their academic achievements this year. I am so proud of how hard they have worked this year. 

After our awards program, it was time to return to the classroom. In Religion class, we talked about how there is one God and three persons in God. We made a triangle to remind us of the three persons. 

In Language Arts class, we worked on our memory book. Today we wrote about our favorite recess activity, our favorite lunch, and our friends. We also wrote about what the teacher should do over the summer. I just loved some of their ideas; they got some great imaginations. 

We ended our morning with some Bubble Fun! We first learned about how bubbles are formed. Then, we went outside to blow bubbles, pop bubbles, and have bubble fun. When we came inside, we wrote about what we observed while blowing bubbles. Finally, we wrote about what we would do if we were a bubble. 

This afternoon in Math class, we practiced showing various amounts using quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. 

We ended our day playing games. Thank you so much for sending in the games. The children had fun playing the games with their friends. 

Have a great night! 

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