Friday, May 19, 2023

One Week to Go!

 Greetings! Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a great day to end their week. We have just one week to go! 

At Mass this morning, Fr. Brian reminded us that Jesus is always with us. We also encouraged us to stay focus during our last week of school. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, read r-controlled words and our sight words. We then continued to work on our fluency as we read Happy Birthday USA. After reading that story, we completed pages in our close reading that focused on main idea. Finally, we practiced writing abbreviations correctly. 

In Math class, we took our chapter test on graphs. Next week, we will spend a couple days counting money. 

In Science class, we looked at the needs or plants and reviewed plant parts. 

We had our last Art class of the year today. We created a beach scene complete with real sand and seashells. I'll post pictures next week once everything dries. 

Have a fabulous weekend! 

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