Friday, August 25, 2023

Our First Friday!

 Greetings! Happy Friday! It was a short week but a good week to get us back in the groove. I can tell the children are really enjoying first grade. They were a bit chatty today. I love their enthusiasm. 

At Mass today, we prayed for our teachers, parents, and us. Fr. Brian also talked to us about praying more. 

We began our Language Arts review. We reviewed the letters m, s, a, p, and t. We also reviewed the words I, like, do, to, you, he, and can. Our goal is to review concepts learned and mastered in kindergarten before beginning our first grade work. 

For the next five days, we will be talking about what it means to be a fantastic first grade. Today, we talked about what it means to be respectful. We sorted examples of respectful and disrespectful behavior and drew an example of respectful behavior. 

As a get to know us activity, we completed pendant flags showing our favorite color, animal, and food along with a picture of our family. 

In Math class, we began our chapter on the numbers 1-10. We used linking cubes to show various numbers on a ten frame. We also practiced counting a collection of objects. 

We ended our day with Art class. We created a school bus. The students did a nice job of following directions to put the bus together. 

Have a great weekend! 

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