Thursday, August 24, 2023

Welcome to First Grade!

 Greetings! Happy First Day of First Grade. Thank you so much for reading the classroom blog. I will be posting daily about the learning taking place in Room 101. My goal is for you to be informed about what is happening in the classroom. If you have any questions, please let me know! 

Today was an awesome first day of first grade. The students were so excited to come in and I was so excited to start getting to know them. We spent the first hour unpacking, filling our desks with books, and learning where things are in our classroom. 

Next, we talked about what took them so long to get to first grade. I loved hearing about their summer adventures. We then read You're Finally Here and talked about what we hope to learn this school year. We drew a picture of what we hope to learn and wrote about it before adding it to a craft. Here it is:

Then, we read The Pigeon Has to Go to School. After reading this story, we talked about why we have to go to school. Again, we wrote our answer and colored a picture. Here are some of the finished products: 

After lunch, we practiced writing our ABCs and numbers. We also had our first Math Meeting. Every day, we will gather to talk about the calendar, explore place value concepts, and learn about graphs. 

We ended our day by going over to church. We reviewed our church manners and are excited about our first Mass tomorrow. 

Thank you for a great first day! I'm so excited to see what the year will bring! 

Good Night! 

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