Friday, September 22, 2023

A First Grade Tradition!

 Greetings! Happy Friday! Today was another fun day celebrating apples in first grade. It was the traditional applesauce making day! Before church, we added apples, sugar, water, and cinnamon to a slow cooker, turned it on, and let it bake. 

At Mass today, Fr. Brian reminded us that we should not be scared of things and full rely on God to protect us. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read l-blend words and plurals, wrote sentences using our sight words, and took our weekly assessment. 

In Math class today, we continued to practice telling an addition story for a picture. The students are doing great at telling the story and writing the corresponding number bond and addition sentence to go with it. 

Our Science class today centered around apples. We did an experiment to see what type of liquid would best keep an apple from turning brown. We put an apple into water, vinegar, and lemon juice and discovered that lemon juice was the best. Here are before and after pictures of our Science experiment today. 

Apples were also the theme in Art class. We made smiley apples today. The students decided on what color apple they wanted and then added the face. 

After a day of hard work and waiting, it was finally time to eat our applesauce. The students really enjoyed it. 

Have a great weekend! 

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