Friday, September 15, 2023

Falling for Number Bonds!

 Greetings! Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a great day to end the week. We had a busy but fun learning day in first grade. 

At Mass this morning, we welcomed Fr. Nale. He went over the seven sorrows of Mary. 

We wrapped up our second week of learning in Language Arts. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read short i words and words with final double consonants, and wrote sentences using our sight words. Finally, we took our weekly assessment. 

In Math class, we continued learning about number bonds. We reviewed how to find the whole when given the two parts, how to find the two parts when given the whole, and how to find the missing part when given the whole and one part. We then had some fun creating our own number bond. The students created their own number bond and then showed it by creating a paper chain. They turned out awesome! 

In Science class, we talked about how animal parts care for their young. We watched videos showing how ducks care for their young, how birds feed the babies, how cats clean each other, how opossums carry their babies, and how shrews march in a line. 

We ended our day with Art class. Today we created a leaf silhouette using scrapbook paper. They will look festive in our room next week. 

Here is a picture from the own writing we did on Wednesday. 

Have a great weekend! 

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