Thursday, February 1, 2024

Shadow or No Shadow?

 Greetings! Today was another busy day in first grade. The other first grade joined us this morning. Our day started with a fire drill. After that excitement, we settled and had a great day of learning. 

In Religion class, we talked about how Jesus called the 12 Apostles. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, read long e words, words with prefixes, and our sight words and vocabulary words. We then worked on our fluency and comprehension as we read Animal Teams. After reading the story, we wrote about its main idea and the key details in the story. 

This afternoon in Language Arts, we practiced using has and have in sentences and writing sentences correctly. 

In Math class today, we continued to practice solving addition problems without regrouping. I am quite pleased at how well they are doing with this. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today, we focused on Punxsutawney Phil and whether or not he will see his shadow. By one vote, we think he will not see his shadow. We'll find out tomorrow. 

Have a great night! 

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