Saturday, February 10, 2024

Uplifting Music!

 Greetings! Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a great day to end the week. It was a mixed up Friday but still a great day of learning in Language Arts. 

We began our day with Math class. We learned how to subtract without regrouping. We began by using our base ten blocks to subtract before transitioning to our whiteboards. We did very well remembering to subtract and not add. 

Next, we practiced our writing skills. We wrote about someone we love a lot and why we love that person. We added it to a craft. Aren't they cute? 

After library, we read The Biggest Valentine Ever. After reading the story, we created a mouse made out of hearts just like in the story. 

This afternoon we attended a beautiful Mass. The choir from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia provided us with great music that got everyone involved in the Mass. It was very uplifting. 

We had just enough time after Mass to make our bags for our Valentine's next week. We are getting excited to celebrate! 

Have a great weekend! 

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