Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Popsicle Day!

 Greetings! Happy Wednesday! Today was a refreshing day in first grade. It was Popsicle Day! 

In Religion class today, we talked about the Blessed Trinity. We talked about how all Three Persons are equal. 

We finished our first grade memory book today. The students were excited to take them home and share them with you tonight. 

We wrapped up our Science lesson from yesterday by reviewing the needs of plants. 

We had our final Social Studies lesson of the year. Today we talked about different American symbols. We created a booklet that showcased 6 American symbols. 

After all that, it was time for Popsicle Fun! We began by learning how popsicles were invented. Did you know that an 11 year old boy invented the first popsicle? After that, we sorted facts and opinions about popsicles. Then, we reviewed place value concepts by creating a popsicle placemat. Finally, we drew a popsicle. 

This afternoon we had our ABC Celebration fun by exchanging autographs. The students signed their names on a picture frame. Once everyone signed the picture frames, I added a class picture for all to enjoy. 

We ended our day with board games. The students really enjoyed playing games with their friends. I loved seeing and learning new board games. Thank you for sending in the games. After we played the games, the students enjoyed their popsicle. It was another great day in first grade. 

Have a wonderful night! 

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