Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Watermelon Day!

 Greetings! Happy Tuesday! Today was another exciting day in first grade! It was Watermelon Day! 

We began our day by going to Adoration. We spent quiet time with Jesus, praying to him, and asking him for a blessed summer. Please remember that Adoration continues during the summer months. Students are encouraged to visit the church on Tuesday mornings to spend some time with Jesus. 

We continued to work on our first grade memory book. Today, we wrote about what we liked to do at recess, what our favorite lunch was, and who are friends are. 

Our writing today had the students give suggestions on what I should do this summer. The students thought I should take a road trip, go to the beach, watch my nephew, and cut the grass. 

Our Watermelon Day festivities began with us learning about watermelons. We created a diagram showing the life cycle of the watermelon and a diagram showing the parts of the watermelon. We then sampled watermelon, cantaloupe, and honey dew melon. We voted on our favorite melon and created a picture graph. Finally, we answered questions about our graph. 

In Math class today, we practiced telling time to the nearest 5 minutes. We are getting ready for second grade math. 

We had our final Science lesson of the year. Today, we talked about why plants need sun and water to grow. 

We ended our day with some relay race fun; they got rained out last week. We teamed up with our 6th and 7th grade friends for our races. 

Have a great night! 

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