Thursday, August 22, 2024

Welcome to First Grade!

 Greetings! Welcome to First Grade! Today was an exciting start to the school year. 

Thank you for taking time to visit our classroom blog. I will update the blog daily to let you know about all the learning that took place. When applicable, I will also post pictures. 

We began our day by unpacking and organizing all of our supplies. Thank you for sending in everything. I really appreciate it! 

After that, we had our first Math Meeting of the year. Every day, we will review concepts related to the calendar, to place value, to graphing, and much more. 

Next, we read The Pigeon Has to Go To School. After reading the story, we talked about why we have to go to school. We did a little writing project to go along with it. 

Following that, we played musical chairs. When the music stopped, the friend left standing answered a question about themselves. We talked about what we did this summer, what we like about school, and what our favorite foods our. 

We finished our morning by reading We Don't Eat Our Classmates. We talked about how we treat each other in the classroom. We spent time drawing a way that we treat our friends. 

After lunch and recess, we went to Spanish class. We then went over to church to review church manners. We are excited for our first Mass tomorrow. 

We ended our day with some Math. We practiced counting to 10 and using linking cubes to show various numbers. 

Hope everyone had a great day. Have a wonderful night! 

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