Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Apple Week Fun!

 Greetings! Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a great day despite the cloud and rain. Thank you again for making sure the Chromebooks were charged. We were able to finish our STAR testing today. 

In Religion class today, we wrapped up our chapter on God creating the world. We reviewed how God knows everything, is everywhere, and is all powerful and good. We also reviewed all that God created. 

We began Language Arts class by reviewing the oral vocabulary words we learned yesterday, and then we learned three new vocabulary words (collect, deliver, and chore). Next, we used our letter tiles to spell and read short o words. Following that, we learned how to put words into ABC order. We ended our morning by using our sight words in sentences. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we worked on our comprehension skills. We reread Toss! Kick! Hop!. We then identified facts in the story that told us it was nonfiction. We also wrote about its main idea and found relevant details in the story to support the main idea. Finally, we reviewed the difference between statements and questions. 

In Math class, we continued to practice subtraction. Today we used our number lines to count back to find the answer. 

We ended our day with some apple fun. We created a diagram of an apple and labeled its parts. We also talked about how an apple goes from seed to fruit. Our apple week festivities will continue tomorrow. 

Have a great night! 

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