Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Review Day

Greetings! I hope everyone has had a nice week. First grade had a good end to our week. We spent part of our day reviewing things we had learned this week. We reviewed the sounds of sh, th, and al. We also reviewed our double facts. 

We did talk about something new in Religion class and that was the Great Commandment. We talked about how Jesus told us to love God, love ourselves, and love others. I hope you like the mobiles the students made today. 

Next week is Red Ribbon Week. Each day there will be a different theme and activity that the students will participate in. On Monday, our theme is to Band Together Against Drugs. Students are encouraged to wear a headband or bandanna to school on Monday. A flyer with the other activities will come home on Monday. 

Have a great weekend! 

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