Saturday, October 13, 2012

So Much to Share

Friday was such a busy day in first grade. In Religion we continued our discussion on how Jesus healed many people. The students created a picture with Jesus in the center and wrote the names of 4 people who they would like to pray for around Jesus. The highlight was adding the band aids. Here is a picture of what they did. 

Today also marked the end to Fire Safety Week. Not only did we have a fire drill but also some of the firefighters came to talk to us about safety. With them, we practiced stop, drop, and roll, crawling under smoke, and trying on the fire gear. Back in the classroom, we finished our mini fire safety books and wrote our fire safety rules. Here are pictures from our finished products.  

We ended our Friday with Art Class. This week the students created either a bat or a skull using marshmallows. They first traced a pattern on black paper and then glued marshmallows around the outline. I must say that they look spooktacular. Here a samples of their work. 

Have a great weekend!

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