Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween, 2nd Edition

Happy Halloween, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well this week. It has been a bit of a disjointed week, but hopefully this is the worst it will get this winter. 

Today, first grade learned how to read long i words. We were visited again by our good friend Magic E to help us read these words. 

We also practiced today for our All Saints' Day Prayer Service tomorrow. We are all excited to dress up as our patron saint and hear what our 8th grade friends have to say about them. We hope you will all be able to join us tomorrow for the service. It begins at 1:00. 

Just a quick note about the prayer service, the students will process out at the end of it. Then, after a few minutes, the students will be led back into the church for a group picture in front of the altar. Don't forget your camera! 

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