Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Productive Friday!

Good morning and Happy Sunday everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and the beautiful sunshine we are having. I don't know about you but I am really appreciating this weather. 

Friday was a great and productive day in first grade. During Language Arts class, we reviewed our phonics skills and sight words, completed a story chart for The Dot, and finished our very first paragraph. At first, the students were worried about writing a paragraph, but at seeing how easy it is, they are excited to write many more. 

In Math, we used paper clips to measure line segments. This lesson is preparing us for a near future lesson in measuring line segments using rulers. 

Science class was a blast on Friday as we explored the five senses. The students rotated between centers that focused on a different sense. In the sight center, students looked at a tray of objects for 7 seconds and then had to draw what they saw. In the hearing center, they shook eggs and guessed what was inside them. In the smell center they had to smell liquids and again guess what it was. In the touch center, students reached into a bag, felt an object, and predicted what was inside. We all came back together for the taste center. Students were given various food items to sample. We then decided if the item was sweet, sour, salty, or bitter. It was a busy class, but one the students truly learned about the five senses. 

We finished our day with Art class where we made rainbow shamrocks. I'll post pictures on Monday once I have them hanging in the classroom. 

Enjoy your Sunday! 

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