Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bunnies in Art Class

Hello, everyone! I hope you are enjoying your weekend. It is hard to believe that Easter is one week away especially when there is snow in the forecast. Hopefully it won't get as bad as they are predicting. 

Friday was an awesome day in first grade. As usual, we wrapped up our reading story by taking our test. In Math, we learned how to solve a problem by making an organized list. 

Science class was lots of fun as we learned about sound. We learned that sounds can be either loud or soft and are made when something vibrates. Placing a ruler on our desk and gently hitting it, we saw what it means when something vibrates. We then used our rulers to make low and high sounds. To end class, we did an experiment to see which objects sounds travel through. We discovered that sounds travel better through solids (a book) then a liquid or gas. 

We prepared for the Easter holiday by making an Easter bunny in Art class. I just love them! 

I just also want to congratulate the Holy Name Forensics students especially all of those who moved onto the Diocesan round. On Friday, we had two students take home a medal, a fifth place medal in impromptu and a sixth place medal in prose. All of the students who participated did an excellent job and I am so proud of them! 

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