Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Some Easter Activities

Today was another busy day in first grade. Our Religion lesson today centered around the Holy Three Days. We talked briefly about each one before focusing our attention on Holy Thursday. We listened to the story of Jesus washing the disciples' feet and sharing a meal with them. We then talked about the meaning behind what Jesus did. One of the activities we did was wash each others' hands as a way to remember to serve others. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed compound words by forming compound words. To do this, students were given a bucket with Easter eggs. The Easter eggs were split in two with a word written on each half. Working with other students, they had to join the halves together to make a compound word. This was an eggs-lent activity.

We also completed a Writing project where students wrote about what they would do if they were a bunny. They wrote about where they would live, what they would eat, and some activities they would do. The writing project turned out adorable. Have a look . . . 

Just a reminder that we have a Spelling test tomorrow. Tomorrow is also gym day. 

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