Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Blessing of a Day!

Greetings! Today was truly a blessed day. I am overwhelmed by all of the kind notes that the students and you wrote. The time you took to write them really means a lot to me. I truly look forward to each and every day teaching the students. I love watching them grow and learn. Thank you for all of your support. 

We did have quite a busy day in school today. We wrapped up our chapter on the leaders of the church in Religion class. 

During Language Arts class we reviewed how to use verbs in sentences. We also read Jan's New Home with a partner and then reviewed the different feeling Jan felt throughout the story. For a added fun, we played sight word bingo. The students loved this. 

In Math class, we began our study of the doubles plus one facts. It will take us some additional practice before we become comfortable with them. 

Our afternoon consisted of a movie. Today we watched Despicable Me 2. This movie received 4 stars from the students! 

Tomorrow we wrap up Catholic School's Week. It is Holy Name Spirit day. Students are permitted to wear jeans and a Holy Name shirt to school. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Student Appreciation Day!

Happy Student Appreciation Day! Even with the cold weather, our celebration of Catholic School's Week continues. Today we honor the students for all that they do that makes Holy Name such a great school. The cold weather (and 2 funerals) did postpone our Bingo game today. We will play it next week. 

We jumped right back into learning this morning. We reviewed final -ng and -nk words as well as compound words during Language Arts. We also listened to Jan's New Home. In Math class, we continued to practice adding two two-digit numbers using dimes and pennies. The students are getting really good at this skill. 

During Social Studies class, we wrapped up our study of geography. And yes, we did make it to gym class today. We practiced kicking a ball, both stationary and moving, to a partner. We plan on playing kickball next week. 

Have a warm night! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Catholic's Schools Week

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! It was great talking with you on Friday during conferences and then seeing many of you at Spirit night. I don't know about you, but I had a great time at Spirit Night! 

We had a great day to start our Catholic School's Week. In Religion class we talked about how the Church serves others. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed inflected endings -es and r-controlled -or words. We also reviewed our sight words. Then it was time to put our knowledge to the test as we read our story Jan's New Home. The students did a fantastic job reading fluently today.  

During Math class, we continued to practice adding two two-digit numbers using dimes and pennies. 

Have a safe and warm night! 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Popcorn Time!

Happy Thursday! This week sure flew by. Then again we only had three days and one of those days was cut short. But, we still had fun learning in first grade. 

Today in Religion we talked about the pope. We discussed who he is, where he lives, and what he does. 

In Language Arts class we reviewed r-controlled -or words. We listed words on the board and then used those words to make some popcorn words. Have a look! 

We also read the story Snowmen All Year. We then wrote about what we would like to do with a snowmen if they lived with us all year. The students were very creative with their responses. 

During Math class today, we used pattern blocks to find the area of various shapes. As usual, the students enjoyed using the pattern blocks during class. 

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at Parent-Teacher Conferences. I am also excited about next week as we celebrate Catholic School's Week. Please refer to the schedule sent home last week for each day's events. If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a safe and warm weekend! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Thinking Warm Thoughts

Happy Wednesday! Even though it was cold and wintry outside, it was warm inside our classroom today. We were nice and toasty as we learned new things today. 

In Language Arts, we practiced decoding and reading r-controlled -or words. We practiced our new sight words and worked in literacy centers. The students really worked hard today with their reading skills. 

In Math class, we used dimes and pennies to add two two-digit numbers. We will continue to practice this skill next week. 

During Social Studies class we read Me on the Map. We then created a booklet identifying the planet, continent, country, state, and town in which we live. We will finish these books tomorrow. 

Lastly, we went to gym. We played "Alligator, Alligator" several times. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Snowy Start

Welcome back, everyone! I hope you had a great weekend plus one extra day. It took us a little while to get going this morning, but once we did, we were off and running. 

Our day started with Religion class. Today we talked about how bishops lead and guide the church. We learned that we live in the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese and that are bishop is Bishop Mark. 

We continued our learning during Language Arts class. We learned how to decode and read words that end in -es. We also talked about the theme of a story. We even had time to work in literacy centers. 

The fun continued in Math class as we learned how to draw line segments using rulers. The students really enjoyed using the rulers. 

Have a safe and warm night!! 

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Happy Friday! We had a fantastic day to wrap up a great week of learning. 

Our day began with Mass. It has been awhile since we had a school Mass, so it was nice to gather with the whole school to celebrate Mass together. 

In Language Arts class we wrapped up our story Ruby in Her Own Time. We reviewed final -ng and -nk words, compound words, and our sight words and took a test on the story. We also finished writing our first paragraph on why we love recess. Have a look at our paragraph: 

In Math class we learned how to solve a problem by drawing a picture. During Science class, we wrapped up our study of matter. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. Today we made Eskimos. Aren't they cute? 

Have a great weekend. Remember there is no school on Monday! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Terrific Thursday

What a terrific Thursday we had in first grade! It was busy but yet filled with excitement. When I said it was time to pack up, the students could not believe it was time to go home. They wanted to stay! I love hearing this. 

In Religion class we began our chapter on the leaders of the church. Today we talked about how Jesus chose Peter to be the leader of the Apostles. 

Language Arts class was filled with review and practice. We reviewed the vowel sounds of y and syllable CV words. We practiced our fluency and comprehension skills by partner reading our story and working in literacy centers. During the writing portion of class, we wrote the detail sentences for our first paragraph. Tomorrow we will finish it! 

During Math class, we learned how to draw and count tally marks. It took a little bit of practice of how to draw them, but we soon got the hang of it. 

Tomorrow we have Mass, Science, Art, and so much more! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Baking in First Grade

Happy Wednesday! I am amazed at how fast this week is going. We are already half way done! 

In Religion class, we wrapped up our chapter about how the Holy Spirit helped the early church members. We illustrated ways that the Holy Spirit helps us today. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed final -ng and -nk words as well as compound words. In addition we practiced our sight words. Please continue to practice these words nightly with your child. We then read our story Ruby in Her Own Time. The students enjoyed reading about how Ruby changed and grew as she got older. We ended class by talking about synonyms. We baked up some "synonym rolls"! 

In Math class we continued our study of the minus 2 facts by practicing these facts using a wrap-up. 

In Social Studies class, we talked about Martin Luther King, Jr. We read about how he worked to make laws fair for everyone. His dream was that everyone could live together. We then created a picture and wrote about our dreams for the world. Students wrote that their dreams are peace in the world, that everyone would be kind, and that everyone would help animals. Here are samples of their work. 

We ended our day with gym class. Today we danced to some classic party songs: Hokey Pokey, YMCA, and the Chicken dance. Smiles were abound during class. 

As promised here is a picture of the cupcakes we made yesterday. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cupcakes of Compound Words

Happy Tuesday! What a difference a week makes. Last week it was frigid outside, and today it was nearly 40 degrees. I much prefer the warmer weather. 

We began our day by attending Eucharistic Adoration. 

Next, we jumped into Language Arts. Today we learned to blend and read compound words. We made Cupcakes of Compound Words which had the students create a cupcake out of construction paper and add compound words to the 'icing' part. I forgot to take pictures today, so please check back tomorrow for pictures. Also in Language Arts, we practiced our new sight words. Finally, we began to write our very first paragraph; we are writing about why we love recess. 

During Math class today, we learned and practiced the subtracting 2 facts. 

Just a reminder that gym class is tomorrow. Book Orders are also due tomorrow. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Great Start!

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you had a fantastic and relaxing weekend. We had a fabulous day of learning in first grade! 

We began with Religion class where we talked about how the Holy Spirit helps the church today. 

Language Arts class was filled with fun and learning. We learned how to blend and read words that end in -ng and -nk. We talked about the plot of a story. In Writing class, we have been talking about paragraphs focusing on the types of sentences found in one. We used that knowledge to color-code paragraphs. And today, we wrote a paragraph.  Together, we wrote about why we love winter. Here is our paragraph. 

In Math class we divided squares in half. We also labeled each part of the whole. 

Have a fantastic night! 

Friday, January 10, 2014

March of the Penguins!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone had a great week like we did in first grade. 

Today was a busy hoppin' day in first grade. We continued to talk about the early chrch members in Religion class. 

Language Arts was full of learning. We reviewed the phonics skills we have been practicing this week as well as long e: ee and VCCV words. We also reviewed our sight words. In addition, we practiced building our fluency by rereading An Egg is An Egg; we also took our test on the story. We wrapped up our look at action verbs by creating Action Heroes. The students wrote six actions their hero can do and then designed their costume. Finally, we wrote about things we can do in the winter and things we cannot do. 

Math class was full of codes today. We used the alphabet to give ordinal position to each of the letters. We then used that code to solve secret words. The students loved being detectives. 

In Science class we continued to talk about solids, liquids, and gases, but today we focused on water. We learned that when water is frozen it becomes a solid. Over time water evaporates becoming air. 

We wrapped up our day by having Art class. Today we made penguins. Have a look. 

Have a fantastic weekend! 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Little Bit Warmer

Happy Thursday, everyone! Today was another fantastic day in first grade. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we talked about things the early church members did together including talking about Jesus, eating together, and sharing things. The students were amazed they did some of the same things we still do today. 

We finally read our story in Language Arts. Before reading, we reviewed the vowel sounds of y and CV words as well as our sight words. This week's story is called An Egg is An Egg; it talks about changes around us. The students did a fantastic job reading the story. 

During the grammar portion of class, we continued our discussion of action verbs. Today the students generated a list of action words. They then, one by one, had to act out a word while others guessed the action. They had so much fun bringing action verbs to life. 

Last but not least, we had fun in Math class today. We used our dimes and pennies to add two 2-digit numbers. They did a great job listening and following directions during the lesson. 

Just a reminder that the Spelling test is still scheduled for tomorrow. We will also create another masterpiece in Art class. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Brrr . . . It's Cold Outside

Greetings! I hope everyone was able to stay warm yesterday. Many of the students told me today that they snuggled yesterday and played games. I am glad they enjoyed their day off. 

We had a really busy day in first grade today. We began our day with Math where we used pattern blocks to cover a design. We then created a bar graph based on the types of shapes we used. We then used the graphs to answer questions. 

This afternoon we focused on Language Arts. We learned to read syllable CV words. The students discovered that these words are easy and that they know most of them already. During our practiced, we sorted words based on their long vowel sound and made a chart. Here is how our chart turned out. 

We also practiced our sight words and reviewed action verbs. Before we knew it, it was time to go home. Time flies when we are having fun learning! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Feast of Epiphany

Greetings, friends! I hope all is well and you are staying warm. It is a good night to snuggle under blankets and drink hot chocolate. 

We had a great start to the week in first grade. During Religion class, we talked about the Three Kings and recalled how they followed the star to Bethlehem to give Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The students then created a picture of the Three Kings showing their gifts. 

Our focus then switched to Language Arts. Today we learned that when y appears at the end of a word it can say "i" or "e". We then applied this knowledge when we read our decodable reader. We also talked about how comparing and contrasting things in a story helps us to better understand the story. 

In Math class today, we learned about pairs. We learned that their are two things in a pair. We then practiced putting pennies into pairs. 

Stay warm! 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Warming Up With Learning

Greetings! I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm. First grade sure warmed up with some learning today. 

We did some reviewing in Language Arts today. We reviewed short and long vowel words as well as the sight words we learned so far this year. 

It was like Spelling class in Math class today as we learned how to spell the number words for the numbers 0-10. We then practiced spelling each word by playing a version of Hangman. The students just loved that game. 

In Science class today, we talked about solids, liquids, and gases. We then did an experiment with bubbles to see which type of soap, either hand or dish, made the better bubbles. I'm sure you can imagine how much fun the students had. 

We ended our day with Art class. Today we made snowmen using dollies and bits of scrapbook paper for the hat, scarf, and mittens. Don't they just melt your heart? 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome 2014!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years'. It seems that Santa was quite good to everyone; the students were so excited to tell me all that they got. 

We are off to a great start in 2014. We worked in our literacy centers today practicing our sight words and vowel sounds. We also worked on our fluency and comprehension. 

In Math class we used linking cubes to measure objects. The students had a blast measuring various objects around the classroom. 

Have a great night!