Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Brrr . . . It's Cold Outside

Greetings! I hope everyone was able to stay warm yesterday. Many of the students told me today that they snuggled yesterday and played games. I am glad they enjoyed their day off. 

We had a really busy day in first grade today. We began our day with Math where we used pattern blocks to cover a design. We then created a bar graph based on the types of shapes we used. We then used the graphs to answer questions. 

This afternoon we focused on Language Arts. We learned to read syllable CV words. The students discovered that these words are easy and that they know most of them already. During our practiced, we sorted words based on their long vowel sound and made a chart. Here is how our chart turned out. 

We also practiced our sight words and reviewed action verbs. Before we knew it, it was time to go home. Time flies when we are having fun learning! 

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