Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Baking in First Grade

Happy Wednesday! I am amazed at how fast this week is going. We are already half way done! 

In Religion class, we wrapped up our chapter about how the Holy Spirit helped the early church members. We illustrated ways that the Holy Spirit helps us today. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed final -ng and -nk words as well as compound words. In addition we practiced our sight words. Please continue to practice these words nightly with your child. We then read our story Ruby in Her Own Time. The students enjoyed reading about how Ruby changed and grew as she got older. We ended class by talking about synonyms. We baked up some "synonym rolls"! 

In Math class we continued our study of the minus 2 facts by practicing these facts using a wrap-up. 

In Social Studies class, we talked about Martin Luther King, Jr. We read about how he worked to make laws fair for everyone. His dream was that everyone could live together. We then created a picture and wrote about our dreams for the world. Students wrote that their dreams are peace in the world, that everyone would be kind, and that everyone would help animals. Here are samples of their work. 

We ended our day with gym class. Today we danced to some classic party songs: Hokey Pokey, YMCA, and the Chicken dance. Smiles were abound during class. 

As promised here is a picture of the cupcakes we made yesterday. 

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