Thursday, January 16, 2014

Terrific Thursday

What a terrific Thursday we had in first grade! It was busy but yet filled with excitement. When I said it was time to pack up, the students could not believe it was time to go home. They wanted to stay! I love hearing this. 

In Religion class we began our chapter on the leaders of the church. Today we talked about how Jesus chose Peter to be the leader of the Apostles. 

Language Arts class was filled with review and practice. We reviewed the vowel sounds of y and syllable CV words. We practiced our fluency and comprehension skills by partner reading our story and working in literacy centers. During the writing portion of class, we wrote the detail sentences for our first paragraph. Tomorrow we will finish it! 

During Math class, we learned how to draw and count tally marks. It took a little bit of practice of how to draw them, but we soon got the hang of it. 

Tomorrow we have Mass, Science, Art, and so much more! 

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