Saturday, June 6, 2015

Goodbye, First Grade!

Today marked our last day together in first grade. We gathered one last time as a class for Mass. Msgr. Lockard reminded us that we are never to take a vacation from God. We need to stay close to him all year especially in the summer. 

I wish to thank everyone for a fantastic year. The students have learned and grown so much. They are ready for second grade. Thank you for all of your help throughout the year. It has been a joy working with you. 

I hope everyone has a fantastic summer. Enjoy your time with your children and family. Enjoy the sunshine and warm days! I'll see you in August! 

~Miss Chalich

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Pockets Full of Sunshine!

Today was our final full day of first grade. It is just so hard to believe that this school year is over. We had one last fun day in first grade. 

In Religion class today we talked about how God created the animals and how He wants us to take care of them. We talked about the different ways to do that. We also colored a poster to remind us to take care of all of God's creation. 

In Language Arts class today we read a Scholastic News magazine about dangerous animals. We also talked about ways to stay safe this summer. Next we read our Word Wall for one last time. The students learned a lot of new words this year. Please remember to read over the summer! 

Since we will not have Art class tomorrow, we had it today. We made a sunshine using our handprints. They are totally cool: 

Then it was time to clean. We cleaned our desks and some odds and ends around the classroom. This afternoon we watched Rio 2. It was a great way to end our year. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow's dismissal is at 10:00. Students may wear shorts and sandals to school. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Game Day!

Today was yet another exciting day in first grade! The students were quite excited about the special event of the day. But before we played games, we had some work to do. 

In Religion class, we talked about how creation is God's gift to us and how God wants us to take care of it. We discussed the various ways that we can do that. 

During Language Arts class, we wrote about our summer bucket list. We wrote about what we hope to play, read, eat, and visit over the summer months. Next, we made ice cream cones. On each scoop, the students wrote two things that they learned over the year. Here are two finished products: 

We wrapped up our Social Studies unit on American government. We reviewed laws, government leaders, and American symbols. We also finished our unit in Science about plants. 

In Math class today, we worked with our friends to complete the fact and written practice pages. The students loved this and the fact that there is no homework tonight! 

For Gym class, we went outside to play on the playground. Even though the sun was not shining, the temperature was perfect to exercise. The students are going to miss Gym class. 

Finally, it was time for Game Day. Needless to say, the students had a blast playing different games. I loved seeing the variety and even learned to play a few new games myself. Thank you for sending in games. 

Tomorrow will be fun: it is cleaning day! 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Snuggle and Cuddle Day!

The excitement could be felt in first grade today. The students were so excited to have a stuffed animal buddy sit with them all day. You just couldn't help but smile seeing the smiles on their faces. 

We began our day by attending Adoration. This was the last time we will be going this year. We prayed for a happy and safe summer and for a wonderful festival weekend. We promised Jesus that we would pray to him over the summer. 

In Language Arts class, we worked in our literacy centers. We enjoyed working on our fluency, comprehension, and writing skills. The highlight of class was the Snuggle and Cuddle time. The students sat in groups to share their books with their friends. It is amazing to hear them read. They have all grown so much as readers this year. I am so proud of them. 

We finished our morning with another special addition of Social Studies class. Today we looked at different symbols of our country. We created a small story booklet illustrating various symbols. 

After an extended Music class, it was time for Math class. We practiced writing addition and subtraction fact families for the number 3, 5, and 8 and 3, 4, and 7. The subtraction facts we wrote are new to us. To help us remember them, we completed our own fact cards. 

We ended the day with Science. Today we sorted things by whether the are made from or are not made from plants. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day and Game Day. Remember your board games! 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Final Week of School!

It is so hard to believe that this is the final week of school. Where has the year gone? We have grown so much this year, but the learning is far from over. 

In Religion class today, we wrapped up our chapter on Mary and the Saints. We reviewed how the church honors them both. Working with a partner, we wrote prayers to Mary and the Saints. 

In Language Arts class, we worked in our literacy centers where we continue to practice our fluency, comprehension and writing skills. Next, we used the iPads to review phonics skills we have learned this year. Finally, we did some writing. Today we wrote the steps in making a s'more. We added a s'more sandwich to our writing. They look delicious: 

We ended our morning with a special Social Studies class. Today we looked at American heroes: Sacajawea, Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Cesar Chavez. The students then had the opportunity to illustrate their hero and write why that person is a hero. Many students chose their parents! 

During Math class today, we used pictures of pennies to represent three digit numbers. The students are very good with place value. 

We ended the day with Science class. Today we learned the different parts of a plant that we eat. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Snuggle and Cuddle Reading Day!