Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Game Day!

Today was yet another exciting day in first grade! The students were quite excited about the special event of the day. But before we played games, we had some work to do. 

In Religion class, we talked about how creation is God's gift to us and how God wants us to take care of it. We discussed the various ways that we can do that. 

During Language Arts class, we wrote about our summer bucket list. We wrote about what we hope to play, read, eat, and visit over the summer months. Next, we made ice cream cones. On each scoop, the students wrote two things that they learned over the year. Here are two finished products: 

We wrapped up our Social Studies unit on American government. We reviewed laws, government leaders, and American symbols. We also finished our unit in Science about plants. 

In Math class today, we worked with our friends to complete the fact and written practice pages. The students loved this and the fact that there is no homework tonight! 

For Gym class, we went outside to play on the playground. Even though the sun was not shining, the temperature was perfect to exercise. The students are going to miss Gym class. 

Finally, it was time for Game Day. Needless to say, the students had a blast playing different games. I loved seeing the variety and even learned to play a few new games myself. Thank you for sending in games. 

Tomorrow will be fun: it is cleaning day! 

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