Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Snuggle and Cuddle Day!

The excitement could be felt in first grade today. The students were so excited to have a stuffed animal buddy sit with them all day. You just couldn't help but smile seeing the smiles on their faces. 

We began our day by attending Adoration. This was the last time we will be going this year. We prayed for a happy and safe summer and for a wonderful festival weekend. We promised Jesus that we would pray to him over the summer. 

In Language Arts class, we worked in our literacy centers. We enjoyed working on our fluency, comprehension, and writing skills. The highlight of class was the Snuggle and Cuddle time. The students sat in groups to share their books with their friends. It is amazing to hear them read. They have all grown so much as readers this year. I am so proud of them. 

We finished our morning with another special addition of Social Studies class. Today we looked at different symbols of our country. We created a small story booklet illustrating various symbols. 

After an extended Music class, it was time for Math class. We practiced writing addition and subtraction fact families for the number 3, 5, and 8 and 3, 4, and 7. The subtraction facts we wrote are new to us. To help us remember them, we completed our own fact cards. 

We ended the day with Science. Today we sorted things by whether the are made from or are not made from plants. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day and Game Day. Remember your board games! 

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