Monday, June 1, 2015

Final Week of School!

It is so hard to believe that this is the final week of school. Where has the year gone? We have grown so much this year, but the learning is far from over. 

In Religion class today, we wrapped up our chapter on Mary and the Saints. We reviewed how the church honors them both. Working with a partner, we wrote prayers to Mary and the Saints. 

In Language Arts class, we worked in our literacy centers where we continue to practice our fluency, comprehension and writing skills. Next, we used the iPads to review phonics skills we have learned this year. Finally, we did some writing. Today we wrote the steps in making a s'more. We added a s'more sandwich to our writing. They look delicious: 

We ended our morning with a special Social Studies class. Today we looked at American heroes: Sacajawea, Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Cesar Chavez. The students then had the opportunity to illustrate their hero and write why that person is a hero. Many students chose their parents! 

During Math class today, we used pictures of pennies to represent three digit numbers. The students are very good with place value. 

We ended the day with Science class. Today we learned the different parts of a plant that we eat. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Snuggle and Cuddle Reading Day! 

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