Saturday, October 17, 2015

All Around the World!

Greetings! I hope everyone is doing well! We had a busy week in first grade. We really enjoyed dressing up for pictures on Wednesday. I can't wait to see everyone's smiles. 

We began our week with Mass with Fr. Jim. He reminded the students to always show others mercy. During our studies in Religion this week, we again talked about how Jesus helped others. We made a special poster reminding us that Jesus is our Healer; check out the picture below. We also discussed why people followed Jesus and learned the Great Commandment of loving God, ourselves, and others. 

In Language Arts this week, we learned to blend, read, and spell words with digraphs sh, and th as well as words with the vowels al. We also practiced our sight words. All of this helped us as we read A Big Fish for Max. The students really love this story about Max and Ruby. This week as we read our story we worked on finding cause and effect examples in the text. Also this week, we learned about nouns and practiced finding and using nouns in sentences. Finally, we continued to work on writing sentences by adding details to them. 

During Math this week, we added a new piece to our homework. Each night we will be practicing writing answers for our Math facts. This will help us learn them. In addition to practicing our math facts, we learned how to identify heavier and lighter objects by using a balance, covered designs using pattern blocks, and solved a problem by looking for a pattern. 

With the sun shining, we took Gym class back outside on Thursday. It was such a picture perfect day to spend outdoors playing with our friends. In Science class we talked about how adult animals care for their babies. And in Social Studies we learned about continents and oceans. We even made a map of the world. Here it is:

Finally, it was time for Art class. We began by tracing a pattern on black construction paper. We then used marshmallows to outline it. They turned out great: 

Have a terrific weekend!

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