Sunday, October 25, 2015

Magic Words and Pumpkins!

Greetings, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well on this rainy Sunday morning. We had a busy week last week learning new things in first grade. 

In Religion class, we learned the Great Commandment. Jesus told us to love God, love others, and love ourselves. We talked about ways to love God, others, and ourselves. To help us remember the Great Commandment we made a mobile. Check it out: 

In addition to learning the Great Commandment we began praying the Glorious Mysteries. We will finish praying them this week. 

Things switched up for us in Language Arts class. We learned how to blend and read long a words. The key for us is to look for that Magic e at the end of words and remember that when we see Magic e that a will say its name. We also learned how to blend and read words with a c when it says s and a g when it says j. It will take practice for us to remember all of these rules. 

Also in Language Arts class, we talked about identifying cause and effect in stories. In addition we practiced writing proper nouns correctly. One thing we did was create a Proper Noun Pizza. I posted a picture below of this tasty work. Finally, in the spirit of Halloween we wrote about haunted houses. We described what we see, hear, feel, and touch in a haunted house. 

With fall in full swing we took time to explore pumpkins. We looked at the life cycle of a pumpkin as well as the parts of the pumpkin. We even carved a pumpkin for our classroom. Check out what we did: 

In Math class this week, we used number cards to identify a number one more than a number. This led us to a discussion on the adding 1 facts. We also learned how to write number sentences for some, some went away stories. We ended the week by identifying things we do in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night. 

Have a great rest of your weekend! 

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