Friday, October 2, 2015

Welcome to October!

Greetings! Welcome to October! It is hard to believe that the first month of school has come and gone. We are working really hard at learning new things. This week was no exception. 

On Monday in Religion class the students were given a rosary. We talked about how to pray the rosary and the sets of mysteries we pray. Each day we prayed a decade of the Joyful Mysteries. We will continue to pray the rosary throughout the month of October. In addition to learning to pray the rosary, we talked about Jesus as a young boy. We learned that Jesus grew up in Nazareth with Mary and Joseph and that as a family they did many things together. We ended the week by celebrating Mass with the school. Msgr. Lockard reminded us to always listen to our guardian angel. 

In Language Arts this week, we practiced blending and reading short e and initial blend words. We also reviewed reading words with inflected endings. In addition we practiced our sight words. While reading Get the Egg, we focused on differentiating between realism and fantasy.  During one activity, students were given a scenario and had to decide if it was real or fantasy. Here is how our chart turned out: 

Also in Language Arts, we learned about telling sentences. We discussed that these sentences tell us something, begin with a capital letter, and end with a period. In writing, we wrote a three part sentence and then jazzed it up by adding adjectives. 

This week in part of Language Arts class we learned about apples. We talked about the life cycle of an apple and the parts of an apple. The students created an apple using pieces of construction paper and then made a sentence describing their apple. Here are some examples: 

We learned and practiced several new skills in Math this week. On Monday, we made a pictograph showing the number of seeds in an apple. We then noted observations about our graph. Next we practiced writing addition number sentences; we used our linking cubes to help us do this. Then we talked about ordinal position; we again used linking cubes to help us identify ordinal position to the sixth. Finally we began to learn our double facts. We will be learning lots of addition and subtraction facts this. 

As for our other classes . . . The rain forced us to the gym this week. We played several rounds of "Alligator, Alligator." The students love this game and game away sweaty and tired. In Social Studies class, we wrapped up our unit on our community. And in Science we learned about insects. Working in groups, the students used Play-doh to make a model of an insect. Each model included a head, thorax, abdomen, and six legs. Here is one model: 

We ended our week with Art class. Our focused switched from fall to Halloween. We made screaming ghosts. They are boo-tiful! 

Have a wonderful (and dry) weekend! 

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