Saturday, March 19, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Greetings! Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope everyone had a fantastic week and was able to enjoy it. We had a busy four days in first grade. 

In Religion class this week, we finished our study on the Corporal Works of Mercy. We looked at how we can visit the imprisoned and praying for those who have died. To conclude our study, we made Easter cards for the sick and shut-in members of the parish. Also, this week, we looked at the life of St. Patrick by watching a biography on him and then discussing why he is a saint. 

Language Arts class was full of new learning this week. We practiced blending and reading long i: ie and igh words as well as words with kn and wr. After practicing these new phonics skills and learning new sight words, we worked on our fluency and comprehension by reading The Lady in the Moon where we learned all about the Moon Festival. Also while reading this story we practiced distinguishing realism from fantasy. In addition to all that learning, we wrote a persuasive paragraph about our favorite holiday and practiced identifying adjectives for what kind in sentences. 

For two days this week, we worked with money in Math class. First we practiced counting nickels. Then we practiced counting nickels and pennies. The students are quite good at counting money. We finished the week by solving a problem by making an organized list. 

For gym class this week, we went outside to the sunshine. It was warm and bright and the perfect time to exercise with our friends. In Social Studies, we explored the difference between needs and wants. Needs are things we have to have; wants are things we would like. 

Before we knew it, it was time for the weekend. Enjoy! 

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