Saturday, March 12, 2016

Luck of the Irish!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a fantastic week and enjoyed the beautiful weather we had. I know first grade sure did! 

We began our Religion class this week by focusing on the Corporal Work of Mercy to care for the sick. We talked about ways we can do this: making a card, giving them a drink, and helping around the house. We then continued our study on Baptism. We took a closer look at what happens including receiving a white garment and a candle. We ended the week by learning how Jesus is the Light of the World. 

Language Arts was full of excitement this week. The students loved Mister Bones: Dinosaur Hunter. They were so excited to read about finding the T. Rex bones. To help us read this story, we learned new sight words as well as new phonics skills: long o: oa, ow and three letter blends. We also worked on the skill of author's purpose. For grammar this week, we looked at adjectives for size. 

To help bring this story alive, we participated in many dinosaur related activities. We went on a dinosaur dig. Students were given plastic tweezers and a container of sand. They had to "dig" to find fossils. When they found them all, they then had to put them together. We also learned about fossils and how dinosaur bones became fossils. We then made our own fossil imprints using clay and seashells. 

During Math class this week, we learned new addition facts: those with a sum of ten. The students are doing quite well with these facts. We also learned how to draw congruent shapes. Next, we measured and drew lines to the nearest inch. 

For Gym class this week, we went outside. It was just too nice to stay inside. We enjoyed the fresh air. In Science class, we talked about sound. We learned that sounds are made when something vibrates. We then talked about how sounds can be loud or soft. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. This week we made leprechauns. They turned out really nice. Below are pictures of our leprechauns and the pot of golds we made last week! Enjoy the weekend! Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

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