Sunday, March 6, 2016

Learning from Reading

Greetings! Happy March! It is hard to believe that it is a new month already. Where did February go?

We began our Religion class this week by continuing our weekly discussions on the Corporal Works of Mercy. This week we focused on clothing the naked. We talked about how when we donate clothes to charities or when we help with the laundry then we are clothing the naked. 

We then spent the rest of the week learning about the sacrament of Baptism. We learned that when we were baptized we became members of the church and we received God's grace. We also learned that water is an important sign at Baptism. We ended the week by discussing the words and actions said during this event. 

In Language Arts class, we learned how to blend and read long e: ea words and words with inflected endings when the y is changed to an i. As always, we added more sight words to our word memory. This week we read The Dot where we focused on the reading skill of theme. In addition to practicing our fluency and comprehension skills, we also worked on our grammar and writing skills. We practiced identifying adjectives for color and size in sentences and wrote a persuasive paragraph on why we love recess. 

The story that we read is a great story that teaches everyone that you have to try something before you can say you can't do it. This week, to go along with this story, the students were given the opportunity to be artists and try a new painting technique. They painted a picture using dots. Here are two examples: 

 During Math class, we practiced counting by 10's and adding 10's to a number. We also learned how to order numbers from smallest to largest. In addition, we practiced counting by 100's. We ended the week solving a problem by drawing a picture. 

In Science class, we explored our 5 senses by partaking in various experiments. For Art class we made a rainbow coming out of a pot of gold. I'll have pictures next week. 

Enjoy the warm weather this week! 

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