Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Welcome to First Grade!

Welcome to First Grade! Thank you for stopping by to see and read about all the latest happenings in first grade. My hope is that you will check this blog regularly to discover all that is being learned in our classroom. I will publish updates daily and add pictures when appropriate. 

Today was an awesome start to the year. The students were so quiet and listened so well. We accomplished much on our first day. 

We began the day by unpacking and organizing our supplies and books. Thank you so much for all of your donations to the classroom. I was overwhelmed by your generosity today. 

We then read Chrysanthemum and talked about how everyone in the class has a special name and can do special things. Following that we created a class book titled Who Am I? where students wrote about their favorite things. 

Before lunch, we talked about school rules. We discussed why we have them and generated a list of class rules to follow. 

After lunch we did a little penmanship practice and had our first Math Meeting. During the Math Meeting, we reviewed the calendar and practiced counting. 

Next, we read If You Take a Mouse to School. We wrote about what we would do if we took a mouse to school and added our writing to a mouse craft. We ended the day by writing about our favorite part of our first day of school. 

I hope you have a wonderful night! 

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