Thursday, August 31, 2017

Review Wrap-Up!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! We had a good day of learning in first grade.

For Religion class today we went over to church. We reviewed how we act in church including the proper way to stand, sit, and kneel. We also learned a new prayer that we say when we enter the pew: "Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament, I adore you." We are quite excited for our first school Mass tomorrow. 

We wrapped up our review in Language Arts today. Today we reviewed the letters z, y, j, q, x, and v. We also reviewed 5 more sight words before working on our comprehension skills while reading a poem and a nonfiction piece about transportation. Tomorrow we will begin using our reading books! 

For Gym class today, we headed outside to the playground. It was such a pleasant day outside; a perfect day to exercise with our friends. 

In Math class today we used our critical thinking skills to solve problems. To do this we had to look for patterns. 

We wrapped up our day with Social Studies. Today we talked about how we can help out in our classroom. 

Tomorrow will be an action packed day to end the week! 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Our Second Wednesday!

Greetings! Today was a busy day in first grade. We had lots of fun learning new things and reviewing old things. 

Today in Religion class, we talked about how God created the world. We read the Creation story, listed things God created, and then drew one of the things God made. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed the letters k, ck, and u. We reviewed five more sight words and worked on our comprehension skills as we read a poem about bikes and a classic fiction story, The Tortoise and The Hare

We talked about 3 new things in Math class today. We practiced identifying number patterns. We also talked about 1 more and 1 less. We used our linking cubes to help us do all of this. We discovered that identifying 1 more is counting forward and identifying 1 less is counting backwards. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym Day! 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

On the Fifth Day of School!

Greetings! It is hard to believe that we have been in school for a week now. It seems just like yesterday it was the first day. Time is sure flying by. 

In Religion class today we continued our talk about kindness. We made a jelly donut with sprinkles. On the sprinkles we wrote ways we can spread kindness. I'll post pictures of the final product tomorrow after I hang them up for all to see. We are going to work really hard in first grade to spread kindness throughout the school. 

We are beginning to wrap up our review of kindergarten in Language Arts. Today we reviewed the letters b, l, e, d, and h. We also added more words to our word wall. In addition we read a poem about the rain forest and a nonfiction piece about prairies, the tundra, and the rain forest. After we read all of the pieces, we talked about where we would like to live and why. 

In Math class today we discussed the terms greater than and less than. We used our linking cubes to help us explore this concept. We made towers of various heights and then identified which one was greater and which one was lesser. 

Have a wonderful night! 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Our First Monday!

Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! We had a great start to our week in first grade. 

Today in Religion we talked about kindness. First, we listed examples that showed kindness and examples that are not kind. We then read The Jelly Donut Difference and talked about examples of kindness in the story. We will continue our discussion about kindness tomorrow. 

In Language Arts, we continued our review of the alphabet. Today we reviewed the letters c, f, and o. We also reviewed more sight words. Then we read a poem and talked about identified elements of make believe in it. Finally, we listened to Jack and the Beanstalk and discussed literary elements in the story. 

In Math class today we learned how to identify more and fewer. First we used students and counters to identify which was more and fewer. Then we glued pictures of socks and shoes and identified which was more and fewer. We will continue to explore this concept tomorrow. 

We had a special Social Studies class today. We did not get to it last Thursday, so we did it today. Our focus today was family. We talked about how we help our family and how our families teach us many things. 

Enjoy your night! 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

On the Third Day of School!

Greetings! Happy Friday! Today was a busy day to end our first week of school. Fridays always bring a lot of excitement to first grade. We have Science and Art class on Fridays. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we did a mini-retreat on how Jesus is God's Son. We talked about how he told us to love one another and talked about ways we can do that this school year. 

Then we jumped into Language Arts. We continued our review from Kindergarten. Today we reviewed the letters r, n, t, p, and i. We also reviewed more sight words. After that reviewing, we listen to a poem and identified the rhyming words. We also read a nonfiction piece about elephants and discussed the details we learned. 

We did take a break from Language Arts to attend the Officer Phil program. There we were reminded about how to be a friend in school. We also reviewed safety tips like how to cross the street and what to do if a stranger comes. All of this we done using puppets and a bit of magic. The students really enjoyed it. 

In Math class today, we continued counting to 10. Today the students showed various numbers to 10 using their linking cubes and ten frames. We also practiced spelling the numbers. 

Then it was time for Science class. Today we began our unit on animals. We discussed different ways to sort animals. We came up with big/small, water/land, fly/don't fly. 

We ended our week with Art class. Today we made pencils. Here are pictures of the finished product and of the Pete the Cat writing we did earlier in the week: 

Enjoy your weekend! 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Our Second Day of School!

Happy Second Day of School! Today was just as exciting as the first one. We are learning the classroom routines and settling in. We are looking forward to learning new things this school year. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we completed the introductory pages to our book. We then read The Crayon Box That Talked. This story reminded us that we are all unique but we most work together. 

Then it was time for Language Arts. We will be spending the next week reviewing concepts taught in Kindergarten. Today we reviewed the letters m, s, and a. We also reviewed 5 sight words. Then we listened to a poem and identified the rhyming words in it. That was followed by a writing project where we wrote about something we hope to learn this year. 

After lunch and recess, it was time for Gym. Today we went outside to the playground. There we were able to exercise and play with our friends. 

Back in the classroom, we practiced counting to 10 in Math. We used linking cubes and a ten frame to help us. Tonight we have our first Math homework. 

What exciting things will happen tomorrow? Stay tuned! 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Welcome to First Grade!

Greetings and Welcome to First Grade! Thank you for taking the time to read our classroom blog. I will be updating the blog daily detailing all of the happenings of our day. When I can, I will post pictures of the projects we do in the classroom. 

Our first day in first grade was a success. After settling in and unpacking our supplies (thank you for everything), it was time to start the fun. We read Chrysanthemum and talked about how each one of us is unique. We then created a small booklet about ourselves. 

Next we read David Goes to School and talked about appropriate classroom behavior. We then came up with five classroom rules and promised to do our best to follow them. 

After lunch and recess outside, we practiced writing the letters of the alphabet and held our first Math Meeting. During our Math Meeting time, we will review aspects of the calendar, practice place value concepts, and practice graphing. 

Then, we read Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes. After reading it, we wrote about something we do in our school shoes. 

Finally, we wrote about our favorite thing about the first day of school. Most said they enjoyed playing outside or Music class. 

I hope everyone has enjoyed their first day of school. Get some sleep; tomorrow will be another exciting day!