Saturday, August 26, 2017

On the Third Day of School!

Greetings! Happy Friday! Today was a busy day to end our first week of school. Fridays always bring a lot of excitement to first grade. We have Science and Art class on Fridays. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we did a mini-retreat on how Jesus is God's Son. We talked about how he told us to love one another and talked about ways we can do that this school year. 

Then we jumped into Language Arts. We continued our review from Kindergarten. Today we reviewed the letters r, n, t, p, and i. We also reviewed more sight words. After that reviewing, we listen to a poem and identified the rhyming words. We also read a nonfiction piece about elephants and discussed the details we learned. 

We did take a break from Language Arts to attend the Officer Phil program. There we were reminded about how to be a friend in school. We also reviewed safety tips like how to cross the street and what to do if a stranger comes. All of this we done using puppets and a bit of magic. The students really enjoyed it. 

In Math class today, we continued counting to 10. Today the students showed various numbers to 10 using their linking cubes and ten frames. We also practiced spelling the numbers. 

Then it was time for Science class. Today we began our unit on animals. We discussed different ways to sort animals. We came up with big/small, water/land, fly/don't fly. 

We ended our week with Art class. Today we made pencils. Here are pictures of the finished product and of the Pete the Cat writing we did earlier in the week: 

Enjoy your weekend! 

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