Thursday, August 24, 2017

Our Second Day of School!

Happy Second Day of School! Today was just as exciting as the first one. We are learning the classroom routines and settling in. We are looking forward to learning new things this school year. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we completed the introductory pages to our book. We then read The Crayon Box That Talked. This story reminded us that we are all unique but we most work together. 

Then it was time for Language Arts. We will be spending the next week reviewing concepts taught in Kindergarten. Today we reviewed the letters m, s, and a. We also reviewed 5 sight words. Then we listened to a poem and identified the rhyming words in it. That was followed by a writing project where we wrote about something we hope to learn this year. 

After lunch and recess, it was time for Gym. Today we went outside to the playground. There we were able to exercise and play with our friends. 

Back in the classroom, we practiced counting to 10 in Math. We used linking cubes and a ten frame to help us. Tonight we have our first Math homework. 

What exciting things will happen tomorrow? Stay tuned! 

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