Tuesday, August 29, 2017

On the Fifth Day of School!

Greetings! It is hard to believe that we have been in school for a week now. It seems just like yesterday it was the first day. Time is sure flying by. 

In Religion class today we continued our talk about kindness. We made a jelly donut with sprinkles. On the sprinkles we wrote ways we can spread kindness. I'll post pictures of the final product tomorrow after I hang them up for all to see. We are going to work really hard in first grade to spread kindness throughout the school. 

We are beginning to wrap up our review of kindergarten in Language Arts. Today we reviewed the letters b, l, e, d, and h. We also added more words to our word wall. In addition we read a poem about the rain forest and a nonfiction piece about prairies, the tundra, and the rain forest. After we read all of the pieces, we talked about where we would like to live and why. 

In Math class today we discussed the terms greater than and less than. We used our linking cubes to help us explore this concept. We made towers of various heights and then identified which one was greater and which one was lesser. 

Have a wonderful night! 

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