Thursday, November 30, 2017

Last Day of November!

Greetings! It is hard to believe that another month has come and gone. Time is flying by in first grade this year. 

We began our day with our final rehearsal for our play on Monday. The performance just melts my heart. I can't wait for everyone to see it on Monday! Don't forget your cameras! 

After practice, we started our learning day with Religion. Today we made an Advent week. I sent home four flames with the students. Each week during the season, glue a flame onto the wreath as we prepare to celebrate Jesus' birth. 

Language Arts class was full of learning today. We reviewed the oral vocabulary words we learned on Tuesday and learned three new words today: calendar, occasion, and weekend. We then practiced making predictions as we read a nonfiction piece about time. Next, we practiced reading long a words; today we used our letter tiles to spell and read words. 

This afternoon we learned about contractions for not. We practiced spelling and reading them. After that we reviewed our sight words. Then our focused switched to reading. We reread Nate the Snake is Late and wrote about what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. We finished our day by reading our decodable reader and sequencing the events in the story. 

It has seem like forever since we have had Gym class. Today we finally returned to the gym. We used the parachute today. The students loved running under it and shaking it. Smiles were abound. 

In Math class today we reviewed the concepts related to place value and numbers to 20. We will be taking a test on these concepts tomorrow. 

Just a reminder that we have Library tomorrow! Enjoy your night!  

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Secret Santa Shopping!

Greetings! Today was quite the day in first grade. We really enjoyed shopping for Christmas presents at the Secret Santa shop. They could not wait to get home and put them under the tree. I hope everyone enjoys their presents! 

After we were done shopping we had play practice. Things are coming together great. We are getting really excited about Monday. 

After all that was done, it was time to grow in learning. Advent continues to be our focus in Religion class this week. We began by reviewing what we learned yesterday. We then talked about things we can do during Advent to bring Jesus' light into the world. We said we could share, buy presents for someone, and use kind words. We are going to try to do all these things during Advent. 

In Language Arts class today, we learned about long a. When a word ends in e, that e makes the a say its name. We practiced blending and reading words and reading them in sentences. Then we learned our new sight words; this week we learned six new words. After that we put our skills to work as we read Nate the Snake is Late, a fantasy story about a snake doing different things. We ended class by learning about action verbs. We created a super action hero. Around our figure, we wrote six actions that he/she can do. 

In Math class today we put on our thinking caps to solve problems. The students worked very hard at solving the problems. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day! Remember your sneakers! 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Day After Thanksgiving Vacation!

Greetings! Welcome back! I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving break. I was talking to the children today about all of the good food they ate as well as all of the activities they did. It sounded like everyone really enjoyed themselves! 

Today was a bit of a disjointed day in first grade. We began with Computer class and then headed to Guidance class. This afternoon we had play practice and previewed the Secret Santa shop. Despite all of those interruptions, we did manage to do some learning. 

In Religion class today we talked about the season of Advent. We discussed how this is a time of waiting for Jesus' birthday. We also talked about the candles on the Advent wreath. 

Language Arts was a short class today. We did kick off a new week of learning. We learned two new oral vocabulary words: immediately and schedule. We also talked about making predictions as we read A Second is a Hiccup. Finally, we looked at long a words. We will be reading more long a words tomorrow. 

In Math class today, we practiced four new skills. First, we learned how to carry on a number pattern to 20. Next we practiced identifying 1 more than and 1 less than a number. Once we were comfortable with that we did 2 more than and 2 less than a number. Finally, we practiced ordering numbers from least to greatest and from greatest to least. All of these skills came easy to the students. 

The highlight of the day came first thing this morning. When the students entered the room, they were greeted by our classroom elf, Jingles. Santa sent him to us for him to keep an eye on us during December. Each day we will be writing about where Jingles is hiding. 

Please remember that the students will be visiting the Secret Santa shop tomorrow. If you wish for your child to purchase Christmas gifts, please send money in a marked envelope to school tomorrow. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Greetings! Today was a very short day in first grade. We were all excited for the early dismissal. 

We began our day with Mass. Today Msgr. Lockard reminded us to take time tomorrow to thank God for all of the blessings we have. He also reminded us that we need to do this everyday and not just one day a year. 

Back in the classroom, we did several Thanksgiving activities. We read This is the Feast which is about the First Thanksgiving. After reading the story we compared and contrasted the First Thanksgiving to Thanksgiving today. 

After that we created a slice of pumpkin pie. We glued squares of orange and brown construction paper onto a paper plate. We added a cotton ball for whip cream. This made us extra hungry for pumpkin pie. 

Then we read another story, Turkey Trouble. Afterwards we sequenced all of the disguises turkey used throughout the story. We then had the opportunity to design our own disguise for turkey. 

Before we knew it, it was time to go home. 

May you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving day. Eat lots, laugh lots, and enjoy lots. See you on Tuesday! 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A Short Week!

Greetings! Welcome back! I sure did miss everyone yesterday. The students were quite excited to see me. They welcomed me back with smiles and hugs. 

For Religion class today, we went over to church for Adoration. We spent time praying to God and thanking God for all of the many blessings we have. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in first grade. We began by using our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We then read words with the digraphs ch, tch, ph, and wh. After that we practiced making words plural by adding the ending -es, reading the words, and using them in sentences. Then we wrote sentences using our sight. After taking our weekly assessment, we reviewed irregular plurals. In addition to all that, we read a short nonfiction piece about maps and completed pages in our close reading companion. 

In Math class today we practiced ordering numbers. We identified which one was the greatest and which one was the least. We also identified by how much. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is an early dismissal day. We will dismiss at noon. Have a great night! 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Turkey Time!

Greetings! Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a fantastic week. We had a good day in first grade to end our week. 

In Religion class today we talked about how the people of Jerusalem greeted Jesus. We learned that they waved palm branches and shouted "Hosanna". 

In Language Arts class we read our story, Fun With Maps, and completed pages in our close reading companion. As we read this story, we learned how to use a map key and locate places on a map. Finally, we reviewed irregular plurals. 

In Math class today we reviewed place value. The students did an excellent job remembering what we learned yesterday. We also reviewed concepts related to shapes and ordinal position by completing a test. 

After that it was time for Science. Today we reviewed all that we learned about habitats. 

Finally, it was Art time. In honor of Thanksgiving, we made a turkey using a paper plate and feathers made from scrapbook paper. The students designed their own beak and waddle. They look really cute: 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

A Thanksgiving Luncheon!

Greetings! Today was another very exciting day in first grade. The highlight today was our Thanksgiving lunch. I loved seeing their excitement of sharing a Thanksgiving meal with their friends. 

In Religion class today we talked about how Jesus is the Good Shepherd. We call Jesus this because he is always with us and always watches over us. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We then reviewed words with the digraphs ch, tch, wh, and ph as well as words with the inflectional ending -es. To help us with this skill we partner read a story in our decodable reader. After that we reviewed our sight words by using them in sentences. Finally, we talked about the AR program. Together we read Curious George and took an AR test. We saw that this was easy and fun. We will be picking library books tomorrow so that we can all take an AR test. 

In Math class today we talked about place value. We used base ten blocks to show various numbers from 11-20. We do this everyday in our Math Meeting, so the students did great with this skill today. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. We reviewed Pilgrim life by separating things into two categories, things children do today and things Pilgrim children did. We then started to make a Pilgrim but ran out of time. We will finish them tomorrow. 

Unfortunately, our Thanksgiving Luncheon ran long so we did not make it to Gym class. We'll try again in two weeks! 

Stay warm! 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Midweek Marvels!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! Today was another great day in first grade. The highlight came at recess time as we were able to get outside. The students were able to spend some of the energy they have been saving up this week. 

In Religion class today we wrapped up another chapter. We reviewed how Jesus called his Apostles to follow him, how the Apostles came to believe that Jesus was the Son of God, and how Jesus taught his followers how to pray. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our sight words; we practiced using them in sentences. Then we worked on our fluency and comprehension. We reread Which Way on the Map?. After that we wrote about the main idea and key details in the story. Then we read and discussed our decodable reader. Finally, we reviewed irregular plurals. Given a list of words, we sorted them based on whether told about one or more than one. 

We began a new chapter of learning in Math class today. We learned how to count to 20. We did this by grouping objects into sets of 10 and then counting on. The students did an excellent job at counting on to find the total. 

Tomorrow will be quite an exciting day. It is our Thanksgiving Luncheon. It is also Gym day! Excitement will be abound in Room 102!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Learning About Thanksgiving!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! I hope all is well with you, and you are settling into the week. We had another busy day in first grade. 

In Religion class today we took a look at the meaning of the words in the Our Father. As we prayed each phrase we stopped to reflect on what the words mean. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed the oral vocabulary words we learned yesterday and learned three new words today (height, model, and separate). We then worked on rereading as we read a nonfiction piece about maps. After that we reviewed the digraphs ch, tch, wh, and ph as we used our letter tiles to spell and read words. Finally, we learned about the inflectional ending -es. We learned that we add this ending to certain words to make them plural. We practiced reading words with this ending and using the words in sentences. 

In Math class today we wrapped up our study of ordinal position by taking our test. 

Then it was time to celebrate Thanksgiving! We began by learning about the Mayflower. We read a story about it and wrote facts that we learned. We added those facts to our handprint that we turned into the Mayflower. Then we learned about the life of a young Pilgrim boy and girl. The students were amazed at all they did. 

Enjoy your night!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Back in Action!

Greetings! Welcome back! It was so good to see the students today. They seemed to enjoy their days off. I, too, did enjoy the extra time with my family. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we learned that when asked by his followers to teach them how to pray, Jesus taught his friends the Our Father. Many were amazed that this prayer that we still pray today was taught to us by Jesus. 

We began a new week of learning in Language Arts today. We began by learning two new oral vocabulary words (locate and route). We then worked on rereading for comprehension as we read Me on the Map. Next, we practiced blending and reading words with the digraphs ch, tch, wh, and ph. After that we learned our new sight words. It was then time to put our new skills to work as we read a nonfiction piece titled Which Way on the Map? This afternoon we learned about irregular plurals. 

In Math class today we reviewed all of the ordinal position words we have been studying. 

Have a great night!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The End of a Week!

Greetings! It is hard to believe that our school week is over. It was such a short and fast week. It is going to feel strange not to see the students until Monday. We had a good day to wrap up our week. 

In Religion class today we read the story of Jesus calming the stormy water. We talked about how that when he did this his Apostles believed that he was truly the Son of God. We also talked about how we can trust and rely on Jesus when things get rough for us. 

We wrapped up our week of learning today in Language Arts. We began by using our oral vocabulary words in sentences. Then we practiced reading words with the digraphs sh, th, and ng as well as closed syllable words. After that we wrote sentences using our sight words. We then took our reading assessment and reviewed writing proper nouns. This afternoon we worked in our literacy centers and wrote the steps in making a PBJ sandwich. 

Problem solving was the focus in Math class today. Together we solved several different problems involving ordinal position. The students did a great job applying their knowledge of position words. 

Just a reminder that Parent-Teacher Conferences are tomorrow. I look forward to seeing everyone then! 

Have a great weekend! 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The First Snow!

Greetings on this snowy Tuesday in November. Needless to say, the snow was a big topic of conversation in our classroom today. We did take a few minutes to look and admire it. The wonder and amazement in their eyes is precious. I can't say I had the same reaction the students did though. 

In Religion class today we talked about how Jesus invited people to be his followers. We read the story of Peter and Andrew leaving their nets and following Jesus. We also talked about how Jesus wants us to follow him. 

In Language Arts class today, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, words with digraphs th, sh, and ng, and closed syllable words. We also reviewed our sight words. After all of that reviewing it was time to work on our fluency and comprehension. We partner read a story from our decodable readers as well as the story Nell's Books. After that we read a short nonfiction piece about kids helping in their community and completed pages in our close reading companion. We finished the morning by reviewing how to write proper nouns in sentences. 

In Math class today we learned new position words: behind, in front of, above, below, up, down, near, and far. We looked at pictures and used these words to identify the place of the people in them. The students especially liked doing this for the circus picture. 

Just a reminder that our Spelling test is tomorrow. Have a great night! Enjoy the snow! 

Monday, November 6, 2017

A Short Week!

Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic start to the week. We had a marvelous Monday in first grade! 

In Religion class today, we wrapped up our study of Ordinary Time. We reviewed the season's color and the stories of Jesus we hear. We then wrote the names of the people who help us grow closer to Jesus. 

Language Arts started as a review and ended with practice. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words, sight words, and words with digraphs th, sh, and ng. We then put our skills to work. We read Nell's Books and completed pages in our close reading companion. We finished the morning by writing proper nouns correctly. This afternoon we wrote about things we are thankful for and added them to a craft. 

In Math class we reviewed the position words left, right, next to, before, after, and between. The students are doing great with ordinal position. 

Please remember to keep practicing for our play! 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Friday Fun!

Greetings! Today was quite a busy and fun day to end the week. I know we all left tired and ready for a weekend. 

We began our day with Mass. Fr. Rizzo reminded us of Jesus great big love for us. 

After Mass, we practiced for our play. Please remember to practice the lines over the weekend! 

Then, it was back to the classroom for learning. In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We also reviewed digraphs sh, th, and ng as well as closed syllable words. We ended class by partner reading a story from our decodable reader. 

In Math class today we reviewed ordinal position. We then talked about the words before, after, between and left, right, and next to. The students are quite good with this. 

In Science class today we talked about habitats around the world. We looked at desserts, forests, and oceans. For each one we idenitfied plants and animals that live there. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. Today we made Indian corn using candy corn. They look great: 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

On the 2nd of November!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! Today was somewhat back to normal in first grade. We had our very first play practice today. The students did a great job listening and practicing their lines. Please continue to practice their lines each night. 

In Religion class today we talked about Ordinary Time. We learned that during this time we hear stories about Jesus healing and teaching the people. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our sight words. Next, we learned how to blend and read closed syllable words. We then reread Thump Thump Helps Out and wrote about the character, setting, and events of the story. After that we read our decodable reader. We finished class by reviewing common and proper nouns. 

In Math class today we learned about ordinal numbers. We identified places to the 10th. The students did quite well with this. 

We took a break from learning to attend a special program. The Altoona Curve and their mascot, Loco, came to talk to us about making healthy choices. These include eating the right foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising. 

We finished the day back in the classroom with Social Studies. Today we learned about mountains, plains, rivers, and lakes. 

Tomorrow is going to be an action-packed day! Stay tuned! 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Celebrating All Saints' Day!

Happy All Saints' Day! Today was a very special day in first grade! 

We began our day with Mass. At Mass, Msgr. Lockard reminded us that we do not need to be afraid in life; we have the saints to help us get through the scary times. 

After Mass, we did do some learning. We began with Math class where we took a Math test on shapes. Tomorrow we will begin learning something new. 

After that, we jumped into Language Arts. We began by learning the difference between common and proper nouns. We then reviewed the oral vocabulary words we learned on Monday and learned three new words today. Next, we worked on rereading as we read a story about a man and his unique library. We followed that up with a review of the digraphs sh, th, and ng. We used our letter tiles to spell and read words. 

This afternoon we dressed up as our patron saint for the annual All Saints' Day prayer service. The students were so proud to dress as these holy men and women. During our prayer service, the eighth grade students did a great job reading about the saints. It truly was a special, faith-filled afternoon. 

Thank you to all of the parents who took the time to assemble the costumes for the students. Without you, this could not have been possible. 

Just a reminder, that because of a special program tomorrow, we will not have Gym class. Have a good night!