Saturday, November 4, 2017

Friday Fun!

Greetings! Today was quite a busy and fun day to end the week. I know we all left tired and ready for a weekend. 

We began our day with Mass. Fr. Rizzo reminded us of Jesus great big love for us. 

After Mass, we practiced for our play. Please remember to practice the lines over the weekend! 

Then, it was back to the classroom for learning. In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We also reviewed digraphs sh, th, and ng as well as closed syllable words. We ended class by partner reading a story from our decodable reader. 

In Math class today we reviewed ordinal position. We then talked about the words before, after, between and left, right, and next to. The students are quite good with this. 

In Science class today we talked about habitats around the world. We looked at desserts, forests, and oceans. For each one we idenitfied plants and animals that live there. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. Today we made Indian corn using candy corn. They look great: 

Have a great weekend! 

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