Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Secret Santa Shopping!

Greetings! Today was quite the day in first grade. We really enjoyed shopping for Christmas presents at the Secret Santa shop. They could not wait to get home and put them under the tree. I hope everyone enjoys their presents! 

After we were done shopping we had play practice. Things are coming together great. We are getting really excited about Monday. 

After all that was done, it was time to grow in learning. Advent continues to be our focus in Religion class this week. We began by reviewing what we learned yesterday. We then talked about things we can do during Advent to bring Jesus' light into the world. We said we could share, buy presents for someone, and use kind words. We are going to try to do all these things during Advent. 

In Language Arts class today, we learned about long a. When a word ends in e, that e makes the a say its name. We practiced blending and reading words and reading them in sentences. Then we learned our new sight words; this week we learned six new words. After that we put our skills to work as we read Nate the Snake is Late, a fantasy story about a snake doing different things. We ended class by learning about action verbs. We created a super action hero. Around our figure, we wrote six actions that he/she can do. 

In Math class today we put on our thinking caps to solve problems. The students worked very hard at solving the problems. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day! Remember your sneakers! 

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